Non-GMO Premiums Remain Stable Despite Rising Non-GMO Chicken Demand

Non-GMO Premiums Remain Stable Despite Rising Non-GMO Chicken Demand


Non-GMO corn premiums remain subdued, and farmers are having a difficult time getting any premium. Merchandisers are saying that premiums range from $0.20-0.30 in many areas and flat where there is little demand. This comes despite continued robust demand for non-GMO retail proteins at supermarkets and big-box stores across the US. Non-GMO soybean prices are also mixed ahead of the new-crop harvest. Old crop prices range from $1.30 over the local cash price to as high as $1.80 for those who have been caught short. This is over the local price and does not include transportation. Prices continue to remain stable despite a rise in the demand for non-GMO feed which the Jacobsen pegs close to 200K tons per annum.

The Jacobsen sees a steady rise in the demand for non-GMO retail proteins at supermarkets and big-box stores driven by rising demand for non-GMO broilers. In…

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