Vegetable and Seed Oils Price Forecasting

The Jacobsen has been in the agricultural commodities pricing business for well over 150+ years. With that experience, we have a long history of practical knowledge and proprietary data to forecast pricing movements in the vegetable oils space. Weekly, our team of Senior Analysts review our computer-generated pricing models, making experienced modifications based on real-world inputs.

Every forecast made by our team accompanied with an accuracy table so our customers can quantifiably measure our ability to hit the mark.

What is in the Vegetable & Seed Oils Forecast?

  • Soybean Oil Price Forecast, Basis and Balance Sheets (USDA & Jacobsen)
  • Soybean Oil Production Forecast
  • Soybean Oil Non-Biofuel Usage, Exports, Stocks and Yields
  • Soybean Oils Domestic Usage (Yearly, Monthly, Daily)
  • Soybean Oil Use in Biomass-Based Diesel and Renewable Diesel
  • EIA VO Percent of Total Feedstocks in Biodiesel Production
  • LCFS Quarterly VO Used in Biodiesel Production
  • EIA SBO Use
  • Soybean Oil Crushing Facilities
  • Canola Oil Price Forecast, Supply & Demand
  • Canola Oil Use in Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel
  • Canola Oil Exports
  • Palm Oil Price Forecast, Supply & Demand
  • Palm Oil Inventories, Production and Exports

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US Court of Appeals sends SRE decision back to EPA; soyoil prices tumble on potentially lower biofuel demand

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