Renewable Fuels & Feedstocks Outlook

Major refiners have started the conversion to renewable fuels. This monumental change will exert pressure on the feedstock market. This report looks at the fundamentals behind this change including supply & demand, forecasting stocks, governmental policy implications as well as a deeper dig into the project currently underway plus those rumored on the horizon. 300+ Pages.

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Impact of Vegetable Oil Refining

Take a look inside our latest vegetable oil refining report, which examines how growth in renewable diesel production is reshaping refinery production and capacity in the US.

What’s inside the full report?

  • Explore the dynamics driving the spread between refined (RBD) and crude degummed soybean oil, and take a look at the data on both
  • Understand how and when that spread might start to return to normal levels
  • Find out about the key forces behind the expansions in the US crushing and refining capacities
  • Get a full list of where these expansions are set to happen
  • And many more insights from Fastmarkets principal analyst Tore Alden

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US Court of Appeals sends SRE decision back to EPA; soyoil prices tumble on potentially lower biofuel demand

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