Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Organic soybean meal prices are slightly higher. Prices are offered near $765 per short ton in Baltimore customs cleared, which should put them near $790 per short ton in South Central Pennsylvania. Across the pond, prices are quoted at $790 per metric ton in Rotterdam according to merchandisers.
There should be plenty of organic soybean meal around in Europe if the Chinese deliver on their contracts. Exporters from India continue to discuss how tight the shipping market is, and the difficulty there is in finding containers, and the steepness of the shipping rates. Rates to move organic grains from India to Baltimore range from $120-$135 per metric ton. Organic soybean meal prices on the west coast are also on the rise. The shipping rate to get it to India is also elevated close to $120 per metric ton. Merchandisers have told…