Sausage casings bulletin, March 14, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Meat and bone meal trading into China was down US$10 CIF from last week’s report. Trading into Indonesia was higher, topping out at US$560 CIF. Strong demand and the higher priced soybean meal market have contributed to the move higher. Trading into Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam was higher as well, US$550 – 560 CIF.
Australian MBM prices moved higher on tight production and continued, strong demand for exports. The MLA estimated cattle slaughter at just over 99,000 head last week. Production is expected to continue to decline heading into the holiday break. Pet grade poultry by product meal remains in good demand from Asia and export values are up, reported at A$1170 – 1200 DCT. Feather meal remains in very good demand as well with prices moving higher.
There were big jumps in the US feather meal market this week too, with…