Wheat Midd Values Continue Higher During January

Wheat Midd Values Continue Higher During January


Buffalo Wheat Midd Prices Buck Historical Trend and Move Higher in January

Buffalo wheat Midd prices have been trending above the historical average over the majority of 2020 and look to continue the trend during 2021.  The December average price in Buffalo was $157 per ton, $18 over the three-year average for December and $28 over prices at this time last year.  Wheat middling values are running about the same today in Buffalo as they were last month, values tend to generally move lower in January and February, with up moves seen only 20 percent of the time.  However, strong demand and run-time issues at the mills have kept prices elevated over the first two weeks of the new year.  Prices are expected to remain high for the balance of January but then begin to fall.  The forward outlook has prices declining into the third quarter with values expected to slip to the $100/$110…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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