Wheat Midds Regional Comparison
Wheat Midd demand in the south is outperforming demand to the north. While prices in all regions are elevated and well over their historical norm, pricing in the Kansas City/Wichita/St. Louis area is running much higher by comparison.
Wheat Midd prices in Minnesota are $150 to $160 FOB and are about $30 per ton over their historical average. Buffalo values are $140 to $150 per ton and about $20 over their three-year average of $138. In the KC market, wheat midd pricing is currently $215 to $225 FOB, which is $50 over the historical norm of $170.
KC market strength stems from superior demand out of the Texas and Oklahoma feed markets where wheat midds remain a well-positioned staple in feed rations due to a lack of competing ingredient availability. In the Minneapolis and Buffalo markets, demand has remained stable and…
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