Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Table 2
Wheat Midd demand in the south is outperforming demand to the north. While prices in all regions are elevated and well over their historical norm, pricing in the Kansas City/Wichita/St. Louis area is running much higher by comparison.
Wheat Midd prices in Minnesota are $150 to $160 FOB and are about $30 per ton over their historical average. Buffalo values are $140 to $150 per ton and about $20 over their three-year average of $138. In the KC market, wheat midd pricing is currently $215 to $225 FOB, which is $50 over the historical norm of $170.
KC market strength stems from superior demand out of the Texas and Oklahoma feed markets where wheat midds remain a well-positioned staple in feed rations due to a lack of competing ingredient availability. In the Minneapolis and Buffalo markets, demand has remained stable and…