Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Wheat Middling Values continue to move higher. Run-times have been solid, averaging about five days per week in Minneapolis, but demand out of the south-central states has been strong. Current demand has been holding supply at a “day to day” level, according market brokers. Prices out of Minnesota increased by five dollars per ton from last week. Kansas City and Wichita also are seeing a demand squeeze pushing values higher.
January through March are months where wheat midd prices generally tend to relax, but that is not the case this year. One merchandiser felt lack of DDGS supply may be a contributing factor in increased demand. Feed ration adjustments have been altered and wheat midd demand has accelerated. Current market pricing is far beyond normal for this time of year. Spot values approaching $175 per ton are $75 over pricing…