Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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A single car of packer bleachable fancy tallow (BFT) traded at 49.5 cents Chicago today. The volume was two cars shy of the requirements for a change on the price guide. Buyers are likely going to have to pay that higher level to secure material in the near term. The Chicago packer BFT and the Chicago choice white grease (CWG) markets will be unquoted if there is no trading or open interest by the end of business tomorrow. Yellow grease and used cooking oil were higher out of the California markets again today.
CWG FOB Missouri River continues to climb on strong demand, particularly from the renewable sector. Hog slaughter was a strong 496,000 head today, but the weekly totals are behind week prior and year prior levels. Saturday production is expected to be reduced through the month and into April, which will further tighten choice white grease availability in the near term. Corn prices were higher today at…