Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Organic soybean prices are trading in a wide range in the U.S., with a center around $24.50/$25 per bushel. There are small-lots trading, but most of the organic soybeans beans available have been contracted or crushed.
The structural dynamic of cheap organic soybeans and organic soybean meal in the U.S. has changed. While T.Q. Cert and Lacon, two India certification companies, can now operate again; the scrutiny these companies face might hamper their ability to provide trading certificates for organic soybeans and organic soybean meal regularly. APEDA will observe these two companies, and they are unlikely to overlook any organic soybeans or organic soybean meal that is expected to be exported. Merchandisers have told The Jacobsen that this issue made its way to the top levels of the Indian government, and they are not happy.
Additionally, some consumers and merchandisers say that this issue has made it back to the C-Suite level at many livestock…