Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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The yellow grease, choice white grease and poultry fat markets traded at higher prices today. Soybean oil and higher prices on tallow have contributed to the upswing in the grease and poultry fat markets. The overall tone of the market was relatively quiet. The May soybean oil contract settled at 57.02 cents per pound today, up 0.65 cents from yesterday. Intraday trading was as high as 58 cents per pound, which pushed a number of sellers to the sidelines. Buyers were having a hard time drawing out offerings, but the sinking heating oil market did little to entice biofuel producers to pay higher prices. The heating oil – bean oil (HOBO) spread widened again today, but RIN values failed to increase enough to offset the change. Soybean oil has led the charge higher, but a weaker heating oil market and flat RIN prices may pose a risk to the longevity of the price rally and may start to…