Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Organic soybean meal prices remain volatile. Organic soybeans are even more challenging to find. The quotes The Jacobsen has received from India on organic soybean meal range from $870 FOB to $930 FOB. The prices are climbing in line with conventional, which has hit an all-time high. Conventional soybean prices on the NCDEX closed at $777 per metric ton, according to The Jacobsen. The news about the certification companies in India remains incomplete. What seems to be clear to The Jacobsen is that the supply chain that was in place in India ahead of the crackdown is broken. It’s unclear if a new supply chain will be created or if the United States will need to find organic proteins from another source.
In recent weeks there appears that there was a surge in prices due to short-covering for Q2. While there is still some spot trading ahead of Q2 2021, merchandisers tell The Jacobsen that most of the consumers…