Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Buyers and sellers were again mostly quiet today with soybean oil prices down 2.5 cents per pound on the May contract. There was a fairly broad sell off in the futures market today with corn and soybeans lower as well. Heating oil prices were sharply lower, settling at $1.7478 this afternoon for the May contract.
Yellow grease and used cooking oil prices were higher out of the California markets. Buyers in the feed sector continue to fight the price increases, but have limited optionality for fat supplementation in their rations.
Choice white grease (CWG) prices were sideways today with limited trading reported. The Missouri River market is averaging 44.67 cents per pound for March, the highest March average since 2012. In 2012 the March relative price of CWG to corn was 412 percent and through today the average is 460 percent. The high prices relative to corn continue to suggest that reformulations are due from the feed sector, but prices remain well under soybean…