European Grain Trading Activity Remains Subdued

European Grain Trading Activity Remains Subdued

Organic grain trading activity in Europe remains subdued. Organic corn prices are on the defensive as old crop inventories are attempting to hit bids. Elevated conventional corn prices appear to be buoying organic old-crop corn prices. Prices are hovering in the 260-270 Euro range in Constanta and close to 310-320 delivered in western Europe. Similar to the United States, there does not appear to be any organic soybean meal around. Prices are high if you can find any, and shipping rates continue to be elevated. Any organic soybean and by-products that were shipped from India to the Eurozone have likely been reduced significantly. This export activity is similar to the decline in organic soybean and organic soybean meal that have made their way to the United States

Organic Egg Sales Remain High

According to The Jacobsen, organic egg sales continued to trend higher and rose…

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Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

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EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

EASA releases EU SAF mandate penalty reference prices

The EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) released its report on 2024 aviation fuel prices on February 25, and this will be used to assess penalties for non-compliance with ReFuelEU...


Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Gulf UCO, tallow prices edge lower; Chicago lard posts modest gains

Activity in the US animal fats and oils markets picked up late in the day on Monday March 3, with the US Gulf region reporting the bulk of trades.

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