DCO prices strengthen as output, ethanol production decline on week
Prices for US animal fats and oils held steady to higher on Wednesday January 29, with much of the day's trade concentrated in the distiller’s corn oil (DCO) markets.
According to the Energy Information Agency (EIA), the United States imported 52.7 million gallons of biomass-based diesel (D4) during March. Imports were 25 percent over February and 60 percent above March 2020. Renewable diesel imports reached an all-time high in March and exceeded biodiesel imports by 22.3 million gallons. California remains the primary market for renewable diesel in the US with strong margins continuing to drive demand. Renewable diesel accounted for 74 percent of total biomass-based diesel imports during the month with biodiesel having a 26 percent share.
March renewable diesel imports of 52.7 million gallons were 21 percent above February and 98 percent over March of 2020. Singapore is the only country currently exporting renewable diesel to the US. During the first quarter of 2021, renewable diesel imports of 101…