Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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LCFS credit transactions increased sharply during October in the California and Oregon markets, while dropping abruptly in the British Columbia market. California October credit transfers reached 434, up from 136 in September, pushing October credit volume to 3.78 million; up from 1.52 million in September. This was a 149 percent increase in credit volume over September and was a 69 percent rise over October of 2020.
Oregon saw similar movement in transfers and transaction volume. October credit transfers increased from 17 in September to 27 in October, resulting in October credit volume of 129,623 rising 73 percent above September and 55 percent over October of 2020.
British Columbia, the smallest of the three credit markets, experienced the opposite in transfer activity and credit volume during October. Credit transfers declined…