Bakers’ Association Calls on EPA to Reduce Proposed RVOs

Bakers’ Association Calls on EPA to Reduce Proposed RVOs

**Please Note – Bob Lane was out of the office today and will return on January 10.**

Bakers’ Association Calls on EPA to Reduce Proposed RVOs

In testimony this week before the EPA, stakeholders from the American Bakers’ Association urged the agency to use its statutory authority to decrease proposed biofuel blending requirements.

“The EPA’s proposed increase in advanced biofuel required volume obligations (RVOs) could jeopardize the ability of our members to meet the constant demand of providing millions of baked goods to grocery stores, restaurants, and federal feeding programs,” American Bakers’ Association Senior Vice President, Public Affairs and Government Relations, Lee Sanders, said during her virtual testimony. “That’s because soybean oil, a critical ingredient for bakers, has been increasingly diverted away from the food supply chain and towards the production of advanced biofuels as federally directed by the EPA’s…

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