Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Credit volume increased sharply during December in the California, Oregon, and British Columbia markets. There were 831 fourth quarter 2021 credit transfers totaling 8.1 million credits in the California market. This was an all-time quarterly high for both transfers and volume. Fourth quarter credit volume was 87 percent over third quarter volume and 26 percent above Q4 2020.
In Oregon, there were 69 transfers for 375,889 credits during the fourth quarter. This was up from 55 transfers for 213,001 credits in the third quarter. The number of transfers and volume was also an all-time quarterly high. Fourth quarter volume was 76 percent above third quarter volume and 51 percent above Q4 2020.
British Columbia is the smallest of the three credit markets and often sees more volatility within its market. There were 21 transfers for 150,404…