European Organic Grain Prices Surge

European Organic Grain Prices Surge


The European organic market has exploded. Many of the countries in the EU were primarily self-sufficient but imported products from Ukraine and China. Romania and Poland are EU countries that export corn to Western areas of the EU. The starkest rally has been in organic sunflower oil, which has more than doubled and is currently trading at €2,000 per metric ton. Organic soybean oil has also rallied now, trading at €1,650 per metric ton, about $0.83 per pound.  

Organic corn prices across the pond have also exploded. Organic corn in Romania is now quoted at €400 FOB Constanta. The increase in transportation rates put the price near €500 delivered to most EU locations experiencing demand. Some merchandisers have told Fastmarkets/The Jacobsen that elevated conventional prices attract organic grains into the traditional market. This phenomenon has reduced organic grain trading activity.

Organic soybean meal, which has been depressed by large quantities…

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