Limited Changes Due to Unsettled CME and Market Unease

Limited Changes Due to Unsettled CME and Market Unease

Animal proteins were called flat for the day. Unease has continued to be persistent in most agricultural markets, leading to unsettled tones and irregular values. The CBOT levels have been under pressure on grains, while feed items have been in lackluster demand, and grain co-production items under severe pressure. A more hand-to-mouth tone was present for the day due to the Memorial Day holiday looming and lower slaughter levels.

Weekly bloodmeal values have witnessed supportive tones for the past month, with an ascending trend in prices more prominent since the start of May. Even with factors pressuring bloodmeal, such as lower demand for animal feed, drops in dairy values and downward movements on soymeal, values have been loftier due to brisk demand paired with limited offering levels. Crop planting has been another supportive factor for bloodmeal values in the near-term along with the lower-than-expected slaughter levels.

From the start of April 2023, values have…

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