Organic Food Sales Rise in 2022

Organic Food Sales Rise in 2022


While organic food sales appear to continue to grow, it’s clear that there is a slowdown in retail sales of goods at grocery stores. One of the issues in determining if the sales figures in the organic and conventional space are rising or falling is that price is incorporated into the sales figures.

For example, if you purchased 100 cartons of organic eggs in 2022 at $4, you would have spent $400 on eggs. If you bought 110 cartons of organic eggs in 2021 at $3.5, your costs would be $385, and your sales would be recorded as showing an increase of 4% yearly. The issue exists in survey data, including the U.S. government’s Retail Sales Report.

Last week the Organic Trade Association released its 2022 survey on organic food. While production and beverages continued to show strong demand, organic dairy, and eggs showed improvement. According to the OTA, the third highest-selling organic category was dairy and eggs at $7.9 billion, up over 7 percent from the…

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