Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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More organic cracked corn is likely to enter the United States. According to the Morehead City, North Carolina Shipping schedule, a ship called the Chrysula S arrived in Morehead City, North Caroline, on May 21. The origin port for the vessel was Sumsun, Turkey.
Historically, grain from this region exported to the United States to the Morehead City, North Carolina port is organic cracked corn. This arrival is the second of two vessels in Morehead City carrying grain according to the shipping schedule.
Earlier in the month, a vessel called the CL Judy carried grain. The origin point of the CL Judy was Turkey, but not the usual Samsung or Giresun Turkey ports. The date that the ship left port initially was April 5, 2023. Generally, organic cracked corn enters through the Morehead City, North Carolina port, but we have seen organic cracked corn enter into…