Organic Corn Prices Remain Stable as Activity Begins to Pick Up

Organic Corn Prices Remain Stable as Activity Begins to Pick Up


Organic corn activity is beginning to pick up slightly in the Midwest. There are a range of prices we are seeing. Merchandisers tell Fastmarkets it is difficult to purchase organic corn below the $10 handle in the mid-West. Depending on the location, it’s even a challenge to acquire below $10.25. Growers continue to hold on to old crop organic corn in bins. There are few new crop bids following a flurry of activity about two months ago.

We are also told that there is no desperation to sell organic corn for cash ahead during the planting season. According to one grower, the goal is to achieve a fair price in the long run. Prices on the East Coast are offered near the $450 handle, which means that merchandisers need to be able to move corn from the Midwest to the East Coast to be able to…

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