Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Late yesterday three cars of packer BFT traded up to 60 cts/lb Chicago, which was followed shortly after with a bid at 60 cts/lb Chicago for renderer. Trading today was quiet into/through the Chicago market. Eight cars of tech tallow were reported at 71 cts Chicago, with two trading within the 30-day window. The Gulf market was quiet today in terms of reported volume, however, recent strength in both the Gulf and California markets have boosted Chicago prices. Sources have indicated that demand is relatively tepid from the Chicago market at the moment, but buyers looking to bring in any material are paying a higher price due to the sellers having higher optionality for bigger volume sales outside of the Chicago market.
Distiller’s corn oil higher in a few markets and down from yesterday’s 61.5 FOB Mo. River for the spot market on trading reported today.