Weekly Soybean Crush Margins Drop 37% WOW

Weekly Soybean Crush Margins Drop 37% WOW

Market Update

DDGS prices saw mixed results, ultimately increasing for the day because of firmness in the corn and soybean markets. Corn futures have been in a weather-sensitive state, leading analysts to anticipate volatility in DDGS prices and other feed values in the months ahead during the growing season. Poor crop conditions and weak export demand for DDGS have been reported by sources.

CME grain prices made an upswing today, except for wheat, which dropped $0.0900 and settled at $7.24/st. Corn rose by $0.0650 to reach $6.37/st, while soybeans increased by $0.2650 and hit $15.21/st. Soybean meal jumped by $3.90 to $414.60/st.

Weekly Soybean Crush

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