Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Market Update
Wheat midds were mixed today due to recent activity on the corn board. Buffalo was reported by sources to be running long, and although farm mills ran well over the weekend, feed demand remains weak. According to participants, central states have managed to remain steady despite poor farm mill run time, which is anticipated to improve.
CME grain prices rose again today, except for soybeans, which experienced a drop of $0.0050 to close at $14.91/st. Corn, on the other hand, saw a boost of $0.1675 increasing to $5.45/st. Additionally, soymeal rose to $443.80/st with an increase of $1.10. Wheat soared the highest with a notable increase of $0.5700 to settle at $7.27/st due to uncertainty surrounding the fate of Black Sea exports.
Weekly Ethanol Update