Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Ruminant as well as porcine meat and bonemeal was reported as mostly flat for the current session; however, undertones of pressure have been indicated as strong due to reformulations at several locations. Wider ranges were indicated in the Carolinas as well as the Texas Panhandle, though in differing directions.
Significant pressure was indicated on the porcine bloodmeal with buyers pulling the higher cost items from feed formulations. A low of $1050/st was reported for Mo. River porcine bloodmeal. However, there was no confirmation of the bulk of trade that low as of press time. The high end continues to be reduced on porcine bloodmeal in most regions, though locations with thinner offerings are able to get higher values. Wider ranges were reported for ruminant bloodmeal in the Texas Panhandle with a high of $1100/st.