Pressure on Bloodmeal Re-Emerges After Holiday Lull

Pressure on Bloodmeal Re-Emerges After Holiday Lull

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For Thursday, most values were flat with limited trade reported. The only adjustments were porcine and ruminant bloodmeal int the Midwest, which were steady to lower on accounts of varied demand and increased offering levels at some locations. The locations with excess supplies led to an overall drop in the market values, even though several locations reported tight inventory. Participants also communicated increased trade volume out front, with some expecting the combination of higher slaughter in Q4 along with ration reformulations to weigh on values.

For week ending September 9th, 2023, broiler slaughter is anticipated to be 150.966…

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BOHO spread reaches two-month high

BOHO spread reaches two-month high

The BOHO spread rose sharply on Friday September 20 to its highest since late July, as October soybean oil futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange traded higher and ultra-low-sulfur...


US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

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Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

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