U.S. Weekly Ethanol Production Drops Below One Million bpd

U.S. Weekly Ethanol Production Drops Below One Million bpd

Market participants reported two trades today, resulting in an uptick in price ranges for Minneapolis and Kansas City, while Buffalo prices remained stable. Sources anticipate a steady market throughout the week and noted that at this time of year their primary focus is moving feed around.

CME grain prices witnessed an upward trend across the board on Wednesday. October soymeal increased by $5.70 and closed at $397.20/st. November soybeans shifted up by $0.045 and settled at $13.20/bu. Additionally, December corn rose by $0.06, reaching $4.82/bu, and December wheat jumped by $0.0475 to $5.88/bu. Concerns over potential rain in the Heartland that could slow down harvest progress provided support for soybeans today. Furthermore, the agricultural market was lower in response to the recent announcement regarding interest rates by the Federal Reserve.

Weekly Ethanol Update

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