Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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The Chicago market was active today with renderer and packer bleachable fancy tallow (BFT) both trading higher along with choice white grease. Packer BFT traded up to 42.25 cts/lb in a four-car trade, renderer was done at 43.25 for the same volume. Six cars of choice white grease traded up to 36.5 cts/lb.
A lack of demand has weighed on the overall fat complex which has created wide spreads to both the international market and to palm and soybean oil prices. The high palm prices have likely led to higher palm-based chemicals, which may be pushing buyers back into the tallow derived chemical markets, driving nearby demand for BFT. Gulf indications for max 20% ffa tallow were higher as well, up ½ ct/lb from the last traded level.