West Coast UCO Prices Move Lower

West Coast UCO Prices Move Lower

Used cooking oil (UCO) traded lower out of the Northern and Southern California FOB markets today as margin pressure continues to weigh on feedstock prices. Yellow grease prices were lower on the West Coast as well, down into the San Joaquin Valley market and out of the Pacific Northwest.
Outside of the West Coast markets trading was steady with no changes reported east of California. A negative tone persists, but steady buying activity from the renewable diesel producers and a good value for US origin fats relative to the global market are buoying near term prices in some markets. 
The EIA estimated ethanol production at 1.078 million barrels per day for last week in today’s Weekly Petroleum Status Report. The Jacobsen estimates distiller’s corn oil production (DCO) at 10.2 million pounds per day, down 0.6 percent from last week…

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