Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Three cars of renderer grade bleachable fancy tallow (BFT) traded up a ΒΌ cent to 43.5 cts/lb Chicago on Friday. Packer trading was quiet in the cash market, but sources continue to report strong volumes sold on a formula basis. Outside of the Chicago market trading was quiet. Indications into the Gulf were steady today.
Packer BFT was steady week-on-week at 41 cts/lb Chicago. The choice white grease (CWG) FOB Mo. River market was up 1.2 percent from the week prior with trading consolidating in the 34 β 35 cts/lb FOB range by the end of the week. Strong demand from biofuel producers and from the feed sector continues for CWG.