Slowing US biodiesel output supports crude glycerin prices

Slowing US biodiesel output supports crude glycerin prices

A strong start for US biodiesel production in 2024 has the production pace quickly closing in on the 2024 D4 biomass-based diesel mandate. This has caused a pause in demand for biodiesel, slowing production and slowing the supply of glycerin as well.

D4 production reached 1.77 billion gallons at the end of April, accounting for nearly 60% of the 2024 D4 mandate. This has some producers pumping the brakes as margins begin to deteriorate.

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A small producer in Iowa is temporarily shutting down operations until the end of the year, when they expect margins to improve, according to reports. The producer also cited market uncertainty on lapsing blenders tax credit and the lack of clarity surrounding the new clean fuel production credit.

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