Total RFS mandate 46% complete in May, buoyed by D4 production

Total RFS mandate 46% complete in May, buoyed by D4 production

The generation of Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) RINs in the US has got off to a strong start, with more than two billion RINs having been produced in two of the past three months, according to figures released on Thursday June 20.

The 2024 mandate calls for 21.54 billion RINs, based on the original fuel consumption estimates. For the period until May, total RIN generation is 46% complete. Much of the program’s success can be attributed to strong biomass-based diesel (BBD) production, which has achieved 72% of its annual goal.

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The RFS mandate comprises four mandates and one implied mandate.

There is the total fuel mandate of 21.54 billion RINs; a cellulosic mandate (D3) of 1.09 billion RINs; and the BBD mandate (D4) of 3.04 billion gallons (RFS assumes 1.6 RINs per BBD gallon; 4.86 billion RINs).

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