Extreme weather threatens Midwestern organic crops

Extreme weather threatens Midwestern organic crops

Organic producers are once again confronting extreme weather this growing season.  Dry weather in parts of the corn belt gave way to heavy rains last week.  Thunderstorms deluged parts of the Upper Midwest, flooding fields and creating local wind and hail damage. 

77% of Iowa’s corn crop was rated good to excellent as of June 23.  Nationally, 69% of the corn crop is rated good to excellent, a 3% decline week over week, but a full 19% higher than last year.

Many are speculating about the timing of a shift from El Nino to La Nina, which has persisted longer than some models projected.  More active weather with increased precipitation in the corn belt is characteristic of El Nino, which developed in early 2023.  The drier conditions of La Nina could cause problems for crops at key developmental stages.

Harvest of Soft…

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