Togolese organic soybean exporter PIA stumbles

Togolese organic soybean exporter PIA stumbles

The US has pivoted to Africa in recent years to source organic soybeans, following the Antidumping Duty Order issued in 2022 that throttled back India’s exports. European Union member countries have also grown reliant on Togolese organic soybean exports, after losing faith in the status of Indian organic exports.

The EU imports as much as 75% of their organic soybeans from Togo currently, though data for 2023 is not yet available. 

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found that 62.6% of organic soybeans were imported from Togo in 2022, which was nearly double the 63,300 tonnes imported in 2021.

Back in 2021, Fastmarkets reported on the launch of the Adetikope Industrial Platform (PIA) in Togo. The new foreign controlled entity quickly scaled Togolese organic soybean exports, 

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