CleanJoule seeks to break SAF blend wall, lower price

CleanJoule seeks to break SAF blend wall, lower price

Startup producer CleanJoule says its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) process could allow for blends of up to 100%, and could eventually be priced competitively with conventional jet fuel, Mukund Karanjikar, chief executive officer and co-founder, told Fastmarkets on Tuesday October 1.

CleanJoule is seeking initial approval from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for its SAF, which is mostly made up of cycloparaffins (also known as cycloalkanes).

Cycloparaffins occur naturally in conventional jet fuel and in SAF, at lower proportions.

The higher proportion of cycloparaffins mean that CleanJoule’s SAF does not need to be mixed with polluting aromatics, and it has a high enough density that it can be used up to 100%.

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