Biodiesel Imports at 4-Month Low – Census Bureau

Biodiesel Imports at 4-Month Low – Census Bureau


Biodiesel Imports and Exports Slow Again in June but Outpace 2019

The US imported 15 million gallons of biodiesel during July while exporting 14.5 million gallons.  Imported gallons were 18 percent below June, while exports were down 31 percent, according the US Census Bureau. Cumulative 2020 imports have reached 121 million gallons and are 16 percent above 2019 imports through the July. The United States is averaging 17.3 million gallons of biodiesel imports per month, which is about 2.1 million above last year’s pace.  Three countries shipped biodiesel to the US during July, five less than in June. Canada and South Korea accounted for over 99 percent of the monthly volume. 

Renewable diesel (RD) imports are not covered by the US Census Bureau but are tracked by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). EIA reporting lags that of the US Census Bureau.  June RD imports of 25.8 million gallons…

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