Average LCFS Credit Price Trending Below $200

Average LCFS Credit Price Trending Below $200


LCFS Weekly Credit Transfer Activity 

Weekly credit volume of 350,282 was 126,979 credits more than was traded last week and on par with the 2020 average if 352,916. Volume was 57 percent over the previous weekly total and 37 percent above last year’s volume for the same period.  The average price paid per credit slipped seven cents to $195.72. There were 34 transactions, 25 percent were type 1 transfers of 86,782 credits and 17 were type 2 transfers of 263,500 credits. Type 1 transactions are executed within 10 days of a transfer agreement. Type 2 transactions are executed beyond 10 days of a transfer agreement. Type 1 transactions may better reflect current market conditions since Type 2 transactions do not provide a date the agreement was entered into. The weighted average price for type 1 trades was $195.55, $0.17 below the average for all trades. Third quarter volume is 14 percent below second quarter volume but 50 percent over Q3 of…

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