P66 Locks in 4,000 Barrels per Day of Soybean Oil for Rodeo RD Plant
Phillips 66 has purchased a minority stake ownership interest in Shell Rock Soy Processing (SRSP). This a plant is currently beginning construction and expected to be running by late 2022. Once operational, SRSP will crush 38.5 million bushels of soybeans a year. This will provide 850,000 tons of soybean meal and 1.5 million barrels of soybean oil.
Phillips 66 has an agreement to purchase 100 percent of the plant’s soybean oil production, which will be used to make renewable diesel. Last year, P66 unveiled plans to convert the San Francisco Refinery’s Rodeo facility into the world’s largest renewable fuels plant. The project will reconfigure Rodeo to produce about 780 million gallons per year of renewable diesel, renewable gasoline and sustainable jet fuel. The facility could be fully operational in 2024.
In the near-term, Rodeo already is…
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