Inedible Meatmeal and Feathermeal Exports Down for July

Inedible Meatmeal and Feathermeal Exports Down for July

Most participants noted pressure on the ruminant and porcine meat and bonemeal markets today. Mo. River saw a modest decrease on porcine while ruminant meat and bonemeal Illinois rendering noted a significant drop with a $240/ST low reported. Pressure was also witnessed on feathermeal as continued export declines remain. Unsettled tones and uncertain pricing esd witnessed for most items in the wake of Ida with Gulf plant and port closures.

Total U.S. inedible meat meal (IE MM) exports for the month of July witnessed a year-over-year decrease of 10.9 percent while feathermeal (FM) saw a continued incline from the prior year of 8.94 percent. Still, a month on-month decline was noted for both export markets, with 79,642 MT reported on global exports for IE MM and 8,422 MT recorded for FM for the month of July. Participants for both markets have been reporting declining export movement for the past month to two months, as the Delta variant affects port movement and decreased…

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