Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Market Update
Trading activity for corn gluten products was active in this afternoon. Sources reported that despite the recent surge in the corn market, the prices for corn gluten feed remained steady, due to the lack of interest at higher values. Considering the volatile market, participants reported that corn gluten meal prices are stronger this week.
CME grain prices showed a positive shift across the board today. Corn increased by $0.2950, settling at $5.28/st. Additionally, soybeans went up, followed by higher than anticipated quality ratings from the latest crop progress report, with a rise of $0.0800, closing at $14.92/st. Soymeal soared to $442.70/st, increasing by $8.30, while wheat increased by $0.1700 to reach $6.70/st.
Crop Progress July 16