Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Porcine meat and bonemeal was reported lower for the day, with a new range of $445-505/st on Mo. River and Eastern IA/IL region. Most other values were generally steady for Wednesday though negative undertones were indicated on ruminant meat and bonemeal, porcine meat and bonemeal, feathermeal, poultry by-product pet grade, and chicken meal. Most items have been unsettled with wide ranges for the past few weeks on accounts of a have and have-nots market.
There were limited offers on porcine bloodmeal, keeping values strong for the near term even with slightly higher summer slaughter levels.
Poultry by-product pet grade was reported as low as $650/st., but additional trades could not be found at this level. The ranges for the three regions on pet food grade poultry by-product meal were flat for the day with light trade reported outside the range.