Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Values from last week were reportedly stagnant with several sources out for a conference. This week, values were highly mixed and volatile on several items.
Bloodmeal and feathermeal had limited price adjustments with most reporting trades within the previously set ranges. Feathermeal in Australia was reported lower with a new range of AU$1160-12010/mt.
Meat and bonemeal for Australia and New Zealand saw a mixed call for the week. Australia had reports of wider ranges, moving outward by around AU$10-20/mt due to mixed demand levels and higher than typical cattle slaughter. New Zealand was lower by NZ$10-20/mt from last weeks’ previously set ranges on accounts of quiet markets as well as a lower NZD value verses USD. Indonesia had confirmations of a wider spread as well at US$630-650/mt with some stating increased interest from the US sector.