Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
Table 1
Table 2
**Please note, starting this Friday, September 8, 2023, summer hours are completed, and The Jacobsen resumes regular working hours on Fridays.**
**Fastmarkets is building a new content delivery platform for The Jacobsen. We are looking for customers who would be willing to view and give feedback about our new platform. If you can spare 20-30 minutes for a video call, please contact [email protected] (user researcher).**
*Please note,
As a result of changes in trading patterns, Fastmarkets The Jacobsen is proposing to change the price assessment methodology and pricing for the North American and European sausage casings price.
Currently the price assessments are based on hog runners FOB North American packing plants and European packing plants on a rolling four week average for two separate prices.