International Animal Proteins 12.10.2023

International Animal Proteins 12.10.2023

The international protein market was steady to softer this week with only modest range adjustments. Prices were slightly lower into Indonesia with a high of UR$625/mt and $25 lower into China. Poultry by-product pet grade into Southeast Asia was steady at US$1015-1030/mt.

Trading out of Australia was steady to lower with bloodmeal and feathermeal flat and meat and bonemeal (50 pro) down with a new range of $810-860/mt. Kills were lower from last week but are expected to push higher heading into Oct/Nov on a combination of good cattle availability and a drier than average summer forecasts expected. The MLA estimated national Australian slaughter last week at 111,125 head, 33.64 percent above last year for the respective time. Year-to-date AU slaughter is at 4.447 million head, 26.2 percent, or 930,468 head, above 2022 for the respective time.

New Zealand values were flat again this week with participants reporting within the previously set ranges.

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