Sausage casings bulletin, March 14, 2025

Runner market commentary
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Price pressure was reported on several regions for meat and bone meal, ruminant and porcine items. Market sources said buyer pushback and light demand, with exception to the pet food industry, has started to weigh on market prices.
The relative value to soybean meal, currently at 84.40% for the week ended ending April 12, has been moving up in-line with the five-year average and below last year for the respective week by 12-points. A low of $250/st was indicated in the fob Mo. River region for ruminant meat and bonemeal and a low of $200/st in fob California.
Meat and bonemeal, porcine fob Mo. River traded in bulk at a new range of $350-415/st.
USDA grain consuming animal units move slightly higher