Central Illinois soymeal prices drop below weekly, yearly levels

Central Illinois soymeal prices drop below weekly, yearly levels

Most grain prices on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange rose on Monday June 10. The July soybean futures contract increased by 9 cents per bushel, settling at $11.88 per bu, while July wheat dropped by 20 cents per bu, closing at $6.07 per bu.

Meanwhile, July soybean meal jumped by $7.30 per short ton to $368.00 per ton, and July corn rose by 3 cents per bu to $4.51 per bu.

With the planting of corn and soybeans nearing completion and winter wheat harvest beginning to ramp up, seasonal price shifts are starting to emerge.

Wheat prices captured double-digit losses after a wave of technical selling, primarily due to harvest progress in the US, with rainfall in the Black Sea region applying additional downward pressure.

Distillers’ dried grain (DDG) prices dropped in the Illinois market on Monday, while prices in other regions were steady.

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