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Chinese plant begins producing SAF, RD for export to Europe

Chinese plant begins producing SAF, RD for export to Europe

China-based Jiaao Enprotech began production at its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel plant in Lianyungang in Jiangsu province in December, the company told Fastmarkets on Wednesday February...


CWG bucks the trend in an otherwise sluggish week for fats and oils

CWG bucks the trend in an otherwise sluggish week for fats and oils

After a sluggish week of trading, activity in the US animal fats and oils markets increased at the end of the month, with prices averaging mostly steady to slightly...


Bloodmeal prices surge through February

Bloodmeal prices surge through February

Trading in the animal protein market was quiet to close out February with no transactions reported on Friday February 28.

For the week, the market was mostly higher...

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