Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
Table 1
Table 2
Weekly credit volume increased during in the first week of July. Despite the Holiday shortened week, volume reached a nine-week high of 482,322 credits transferred and was 38 percent over the yearly weekly average of 355,214. Credit volume for the week was 86 percent over last week’s total and 51 percent above last year’s volume during the first week of July. The average price paid per credit increased $0.44 to $199.23. There were 47 transactions, 29 percent were type 1 transfers of 140,399 credits and 73 percent were type 2 transfers of 341,923 credits. Type 1 transactions are trades executed within 10 days of a transfer agreement. Type 2 transactions are executed beyond 10 days of a transfer agreement. Type 1 transactions give a somewhat clearer indication of where the market is trading since Type 2 transactions do not provide a date the agreement was entered into. The weighted…